Manage domains: Add, Delete, detect, etc.
List user domains
To list all domains owned by a user run the following command:
opencli domains-user <USERNAME>
# opencli domains-user stefan
List all domains
To list all domains owned by all users run the following command:
opencli domains-all
# opencli domains-all
The opencli domains-dns
command is used for everything dns related:
opencli domains-dns reconfig - Load new DNS zones into bind server.
opencli domains-dns check <DOMAIN> - Check and validate dns zone for a domain.
opencli domains-dns reload <DOMAIN> - Reload DNS zone for a single domain.
opencli domains-dns show <DOMAIN> - Display DNS zone for a single domain.
opencli domains-dns list - List all domains with DNS zones on the server.
opencli domains-dns delete <DOMAIN> - Delete DNS zone for a domain.
opencli domains-dns create <DOMAIN> - Create DNS zone for a domain.
opencli domains-dns default <DOMAIN> - Restore default DNS zone for a domain.
opencli domains-dns count - Display total number of DNS zones present on the server.
opencli domains-dns config - Check main bind configuration file for syntax errros.
opencli domains-dns start - Start the DNS server.
opencli domains-dns restart - Soft restart of bind9 docker container.
opencli domains-dns hard-restart - Hard restart: terminates container and start again.
opencli domains-dns stop - Stop the DNS server.
To load new dns zones into the bind server:
opencli domains-dns reconfig
To check and validate dns zone for a domain:
opencli domains-dns check <DOMAIN>
Reload DNS zone for a single domain:
opencli domains-dns reload <DOMAIN>
Display dns zone records for a domain:
opencli domains-dns show <DOMAIN>
List all DNS zones on the server:
opencli domains-dns list
Delete DNS zone for a domain:
opencli domains-dns delete <DOMAIN>
Create DNS zone for a domain:
opencli domains-dns create <DOMAIN>
Delete existing DNS zone and create default DNS zone for a domain:
opencli domains-dns default <DOMAIN> -y
Display total number of DNS zones present on the server:
opencli domains-dns count
Check main bind configuration file for syntax errros:
opencli domains-dns config
Start the DNS server:
opencli domains-dns start
Soft restart of bind9 docker container:
opencli domains-dns restart
Hard Restart
Hard restart - terminates container and start again:
opencli domains-dns hard-restart
Stop the DNS server:
opencli domains-dns stop
Check who owns a domain name
To check which user owns a domain name run the following command:
opencli domains-whoowns <DOMAIN-NAME>
opencli domains-whoowns
Owner of '': stefan
The whoowns
script searches the database in order to determine which username added a domain.
Add Domain to User
To add a domain name for user:
opencli domains-add <DOMAIN> <USERNAME>
opencli domains-add stefan
Note: this command will add a domain for user regardless of their domains limit.
Suspend Domain
Suspended domains will display suspended_website.html template.
All other services such as DNS and email remain active for the domain.
To suspend a domain:
opencli domains-suspend <DOMAIN>
Unsuspend Domain
Unsuspended domains will display user content. To unsuspend a domain:
opencli domains-unsuspend <DOMAIN>
Delete Domain
To remove domain from user and delete all associated data:
opencli domains-delete <DOMAIN>
This will delete: websites, DNS zone, email accounts, proxy configuration, Let's Encrypt SSL, Ngin/Apache configuration, access logs, blocked IPs per domain, ModSecurity setting for domain.
Command opencli domains-dnssec
allows administrators to enable DNSSEC, re-sign the zone and view DS records for domains.
Please note that this feature is still experimental and there is still no UI for it in OpenPanel interface.
to enable dnssec for :
opencli domains-dnssec
to update the zone after publishing new records:
opencli domains-dnssec --update
to check if domain has dnssec enabled and view DS records:
opencli domains-dnssec --check
Update Nameservers
To change nameservers in a single dns zone:
opencli domains-update_ns <DOMAIN_NAME>
To change nameservers for all dns zones on the server:
opencli domains-update_ns --all
Parse domain access logs
To parse domain (Nginx) access logs and generate static reports for users domains accessible from Domains > Access Logs
run the script:
opencli domains-stats [USERNAME]
opencli domains-stats stefan
Processing user: stefan
Processed domain for user stefan
Processed domain for user stefan
To parse (Nginx) access logs for all active users and their domains run the script without username:
opencli domains-stats
Enable modsecurity
To enable modsecurity for all domains owned by a specific user:
opencli domains-enable_modsec [USERNAME]
To enable modsecurity on all domains for all active users:
opencli domains-enable_modsec